Dr Riccardo Paolini
Riccardo by training is a building engineer and he received a Ph.D. in Building Systems Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2011. He joined UNSW Built Environment in February 2017. He is a Senior Lecturer in the High Performance Architecture research cluster. Riccardo is also an affiliate of the Heat Island Group, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA. Previously, he had an appointment as post-doc at Politecnico di Milano, Italy (2011-2017).
Riccardo has been bridging urban heat studies and hygrothermics (heat and moisture transport in building materials and components) and has researched extensively the performance over time of building envelope materials. In particular, he led a multi-year research campaign on the effect of weathering and soiling on the albedo of reflective materials. More recently, he contributed to a citizen science project on urban local climate, and engaged with local governments building a of local climate data infrastructure.
Dr Shamila Haddad
Dr Shamila Haddad holds a PhD in Built Environment and Architectural Sciences from the University of New South Wales (UNSW). She has been working as an Associate Lecturer at UNSW Faculty of Built Environment since 2016. Her work aims to plan, design, and manage sustainable and equitable cities for the 21st century. Her research expertise and interest relate to environmental sustainability, building performance, urban heat mitigation technologies, environmental quality, thermal comfort, and healthy, energy efficient and innovative buildings. Dr Haddad’s publication track record features papers on the indoor environmental quality research fields, urban climate, and heat mitigation technologies. She has been collaborating with government agencies, national research and innovation hubs, and key stakeholders from the property industry in Australia.

Samira Garshasbi
Samira Garshasbi is a Scientia PhD scholar at University of New South Wales working on her thesis entitled “Development of Quantum Dots for urban heat island (UHI) mitigation”. She has also contributed to several UHI mitigation projects funded by Australian organizations such as Sydney Water, City Council of Parramatta, Northern Territory Government, etc. Her main research topic is UHI mitigation through development of optical materials (including cool materials, fluorescent materials, thermochromic materials, etc). She has published several papers in prestigious journals and international conference proceedings.

Jie Feng
My research concerns building science and techniques, specifically the development of the radiative cooling materials. It is one of the most promising and powerful techniques to mitigate the heat island phenomenon and requires a material to present high reflectivity to the solar radiation and high spectral emissivity. The full title of my proposed thesis is ‘Development, testing and application of radiative cooling materials for facade, roof and pavement to mitigate heat islands in the urban environment’.

Kai Gao
Kai Gao is currently a PhD student in faculty of Built Environment. His supervisor is Professor Mattheos Santamouris. Kai Gao’s research topic is the mitigation potential of greenery and irrigation in heatwaves. He is working on experiments to measure the reactions of big trees to heatwaves. And He is also working on urban climate simulation using weather research forecasting (WRF) model.
Hassan Saeed Khan
PhD project: Synergies between Urban Heat overheating magnitude and Heat Waves (HWs) in Sydney and possible mitigation technologies (Aug’ 2018- Till date).
I am investigating the possible interactions between the urban overheating magnitude and the Heatwaves (HWs) in Sydney-Australia to deploy the most suitable mitigation technologies in the eastern, inner and the western Sydney. Impact of these technologies in terms of energy consumption and peak electricity demand will also be measured. Currently, I am holding the UNSW International Postgraduate Research scholarship (IPRS), the Wightman Bequest PhD Top-up scholarship, and the CSIRO-Data61 Top-up scholarship.

Hamed Heshmat Mohajer
Date of birth: 21/08/1987
Mailing address: 1/177 Anzac Parade, Kensington 2033, NSW / Mobile: 0405300804
Post Graduate Research Student in Architecture, High Performance Building 2019
University of New South Wales, Faculty of built environment, Sydney, Australia
Primary Supervisor: Mattheos Santamouris - Second supervisor: Lan Ding
Research topic: Develop Urban Configurations to Mitigate the Urban Heat Island Effect in Sydney

Afifa Mohammed
Afifa Mohammed from the United Arab Emirates (Architect and interior designer) a Ph.D. student in the Built Environment Faculty. The dissertation will study (Impact of Technology on Sustainable Buildings) in Dubai/UAE through adapting the concept of UHI (urban heat island).
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