
Books (Editor and Author)

ΝΟVA Publishers, NY, USA, Co-Author, Indoor Work and Living Environment, 2005

ALINEA Publishers, Italy: Co-Author of “Construire Sostenibile il Mediterraneo”.2001,

BRE Publishers, Garston, UK : Co-Author of “Environmental Layout Planning”, 1999.

Elsevier : Editor and Co Author : : Fighting the Urban Overheating in Practise. To be published in 2019

Elsevier : Co- Author with H. Taha : Climate Design to Fight Urban Overheating, (Provisional Title), To be published in 2020

Books in Greek language

Indoor Air Quality, Editor and Co-Author, Ekdosis Sellountos, 2007.

Environmental Physics - New Energy Sources. (With I. Tselepidaki and G. Papaioannou). Physics Department, University of Athens, 1992

Solar Collectors, Greenhouses, Heat Storage. In "Physics of Energy and Environment". Union of Greek Physicists. 1985.

Potential of Renewable Energy Sources in Greece. (With R. Rigopoulos, M. Vallindras, P. Yiannoulis, K. Diamantaras, G. Masouros, C. Georgalas and I. Tripanagnostopoulos). KEPE Editions, 1988.


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