1 M. Santamouris , R. Rigopoulos and Y. Caouris :Estimating the Atmospheric Ozone Transmission for Solar Radiation Models. J. Pure and Applied da, 121, 4, 633-654, 1983.
2 C.C. Lefas and M. J. Santamouris : Application of microcomputers in optimal greenhouse environmental control and resources management. J. Solar and Wind Technology, 1, 3, 153-160, 1985.
3 M.I. Santamouris, R. Rigopoulos and P. Yianoulis :A Νote on an Ιmproved Εxpression for the Αtmospheric CO2, N20, CH4, and O2 Ιntegral Transmission Function. J. Atmosphere-Ocean, 23,3, 313-316, 1985.
4 C.C. Lefas and M. J. Santamouris : Implementation of microcomputers in the control of direct gain passive solar systems. Int. J. Solar Energy, 3, 287-303, 1985.
5 M. Santamouris and C.C. Lefas : Thermal Analysis and computer control of hybrid greenhouse with subsurface heat storage. J. Energy in Agriculture, 5, 161-173, 1986.
6 M. Santamouris and C.C. Lefas : Design and control of hybrid solar houses using microcomputers. J. of Energy, 11, 7, 709-716, 1986.
7 E. Stourna-Trianti, M. I. Santamouris and M. Vallindras : Passive Solar Strategies in Retrofitting Design - The case of a Historic Building in Athens, Greece. J. Solar and Wind Technology, 3, 1, 1-11, 1986.
8 M. J. Santamouris and R. Rigopoulos: Estimating the atmospheric water vapor transmission for solar radiation models.J. Solar and Wind Technology, 4, 2, 211-214, 1987
9 M. J. Santamouris and C.C. Lefas : On the coupling of PCM stores to active solar systems. Int. J. of Energy Research, 12, 603-610, 1988.
10 Y. G. Caouris, C. Kittas and M. Santamouris : Regional Monthly Estimation of Greenhouse Energy Consumption - Application to Greece. J. Solar and Wind Technology, 6,3, 225-233, 1989.
11 M. Santamouris and B.D. Katsoulis : Solar Radiation over the northwest part of Greece. J. Solar and Wind Technology, 6,1, 79-84, 1989.
12 G. Stavrakakis, G. Bitsioris and M. Santamouris : A Nonlinear Dynamic Thermal Regulator for a Paraboloidal Solar Collector. J. Energy, 15,6,467-477, 1990
13 M. Santamouris, D.Papaioanou, A. Argiriou and G. Stavrakakis : Technical and Economical Comparison between Solar water heaters using electrodeposited chrome selective coating and selective paints. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 30, 4, 421-431, 1990
14 M. Santamouris, I. Tselepidaki and N. Dris : Evaluation of models to predict solar radiation on tilted surfaces for the Mediterranean region. J. Solar and Wind Technology, 7, 5, 585-589, 1990.
15 G. Stavrakakis, G. Kapsiotis and M. Santamouris : Digital Parameter Adaptive Control for a Solar Concentrator. J. Solar and Wind Technology, 7, 2/3, 97-105, 1990.
16 A. Tombazis, A. Argiriou and M. Santamouris : Performance Evaluation of Passive and Hybrid Cooling Components for a Hotel Complex. Int. J. Solar Energy, 9, 1-12, 1990.
17 M. Santamouris : Predicting the Spectral Aerosol Transmittance for Solar Radiation Models. Int. J. Solar Energy, 10, 15-26, 1991.
18 M. Santamouris : Predicting the Broadband Aerosol Transmittance for Solar Radiation Models. Int. J. Solar Energy, 10, 27-37, 1991.
19 I. Tselepidaki and M. Santamouris : Statistical and Persistence analysis of high summer ambient temperatures in Athens for cooling purposes. J. Energy and Buildings, 17, 243-251, 1991.
20 G. Agas , T. Matsaggos, M. Santamouris and A. Argyriou :On the use of the atmospheric heat sinks for heat dissipation. J. Energy and Buildings, 17, 321-329, 1991.
21 M. Antinucci, D. Asiain, B. Fleury, J. Lopez, E. Maldonado, M. Santamouris, A. Tombazis and S. Yannas : Passive and Hybrid Cooling of Buildings - State of the Art. Int. J. Solar Energy, 11, 3/4, 251-271, 1992
22 I. Tselepidaki, M. Santamouris, C. Moustris and G. Poulopoulou :Analysis of the summer discomfort index in Athens, Greece, for cooling purposes. J. Energy and Buildings, 18, 51-56, 1992.
23 A. Tzaferis, D. Liparakis, M. Santamouris and A. Argiriou : Analysis of the accuracy and sensitivity of eight models to predict the performance of earth to air heat exchangers. J. Energy and Buildings, 18, 35-43, 1992.
24 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos : Modelling the earth temperature using multiyear measurements. J. Energy and Buildings, 19, 1-9, 1992.
25 A.I. Dounis, M. J. Santamouris and C.C. Lefas : Implementation of artificial intelligence techniques in thermal comfort control for passive solar buildings. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 33, 3, 175-182, 1992.
26 C. Balaras, I. Tselepidaki, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos : Calculations and Statistical Analysis of the Environmental Cooling Power Index for Athens, Greece. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 34, 2, 139-146, 1993.
27 A. Dounis, M.J. Santamouris and C.C. Lefas : Building Visual Comfort Control with Fuzzy reasoning. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 34,1, 17-28, 1993.
28 C. Balaras, I. Tselepidaki, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos : Analysis of thermal comfort conditions in Athens, Greece. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 34,4, 281-285, 1993.
29 I. Tselepidaki, M. Santamouris and D. Melitsiotis : Analysis of the Summer Ambient Temperatures for Cooling Purposes .Solar Energy. 50, 3, 197-204, 1993.
30 A. Argiriou, M. Santamouris, C. Balaras and S. Jeter : Potential of Radiative Cooling in Southern Europe. Int. J. Solar Energy, 13,189-203,1993.
31 M. I. Santamouris : Active Solar Agricultural Greenhouse . The State of the Art. Int. J. Solar Energy, Vol. 14, p.p. 19-32, 1993.
32 A. Tsinonis, I. Koutsogiannakis, M. Santamouris and I. Tselepidaki : Statistical Analysis of Summer Comfort Conditions in Athens, Greece.J. Energy and Buildings, Vol 19, p.p. 285-290, 1993.
33 M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou and M. Vallindras : Design and Operation of a Low Energy Consumption Passive Solar Agricultural Greenhouse. Solar Energy. 52,5,p.p.371-378,1994.
34 M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou, E. Daskalaki, C. Balaras and A. Gaglia : Energy Characteristics and Savings Potential in Office Buildings. Solar Energy, Vol. 52, 1,p.p.59-66, 1994.
35 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos : On the Use of Ground for Heat Dissipation J. of Energy, 19, 1, p.p. 17-25, 1994.
36 A. Argiriou, D. Asimakopoulos, C. Balaras, E. Daskalaki, A. Lagoudi, M. Loizidou, M. Santamouris and I. Tselepidaki : On the Energy Consumption and Indoor Air Quality in Office and Hospital Buildings in Athens, Hellas. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 35,5,385-394, 1994.
37 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos : Modelling the thermal performance of the earth to air heat exchangers. Solar Energy, 53,3,p.p.301-305, 1994.
38 M. Santamouris, E. Daskalaki, C. Balaras, A. Argiriou, and A. Gaglia : Energy Performance and Energy Conservation in Health Care Buildings in Hellas. J. Energy Conversion and Management, 35, 4, p.p. 293-305, 1994.
39 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos :On the Cooling Potential of Earth to air heat Exchangers, J. Energy Conversion and Management, 35, 5,395-402, 1994.
40 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and D. Asimakopoulos and N. Papanikolaou : Impact of ground cover on the efficiencies of Earth-to-air heat Exchangers. J. Applied Energy, 48, p.p. 19-32, 1994.
41 A. I. Dounis, M. J. Santamouris, C.C. Lefas and D.E. Manolakis : Thermal Comfort Degradation by a Visual Comfort Fuzzy- Reasoning Machine under Natural Ventilation. J. Applied Energy, 48,115-130, 1994.
42 M. Santamouris and A. Argiriou : Renewable Energies and Energy Conservation Technologies for Buildings in Southern Europe. Int. J. Solar Energy, 15, p.p. 69-79, 1994.
43 M. Santamouris, C.A. Balaras, E. Daskalaki, A. Argiriou and A. Gaglia : Energy Consumption and the Potential for Energy Conservation in School Buildings in Hellas. J. Energy, 19,6, 653-660, 1994.
44 A. Argiriou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Assimakopoulos : Assessment of the Radiative Cooling Potential of a collector using hourly weather data. J. Energy, 19, 8, 879-888, 1994.
45 M. Santamouris, C.A. Balaras, E. Daskalaki and M. Vallindras : Passive Solar Agricultural Greenhouses. A Worldwide Classification and Evaluation of Technologies and Systems used for Heating Purposes. Solar Energy, 53,5, 411-426, 1994.
46 E. Daskalaki , M. Santamouris, C. Balaras and D.N. Asimakopoulos: Natural Convection Heat Transfer Coefficients from Vertical and Horizontal Surfaces for Building Applications. Journal Energy and Buildings, 20, 243-249, 1994
47 I. Tselepidaki, M. Santamouris, D.N. Asimakopoulos and S. Kontoyiannidis : On the Variability of Cooling Degree Days in an Urban Environment: Application to Athens, Greece. Journal Energy and Buildings, 21, 93-99, 1994.
48 N. Klitsikas, M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou, D.N. Asimakopoulos and A.I. Dounis : Performance of an Indirect Evaporative Cooler in Athens. Journal Energy and Buildings, Vol. 21, 1, p.p. 55-63, 1994.
49 B.E. Psiloglou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : On the atmospheric water vapor transmission function for solar radiation models. Solar Energy, 53,5, 445-453, 1994.
50 B.E Psiloglou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos: Predicting the broadband transmittance of the uniformly mixed gases (CO2, CO, N20, CH4 and 02) in the atmosphere, for solar radiation models. Journal Renewable Energy Sources, 6,1, 63-70, 1995
51 M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou, D. Asimakopoulos, N. Klitsikas and A. Dounis : Heat and Mass Transfer through Large Openings by Natural Convection. Journal Energy and Buildings, 23,p.p. 1-8, 1995.
52 A.I. Dounis, M. J. Santamouris, C.C. Lefas and A. Argiriou : Design of a Fuzzy Set Environment Comfort System. Journal Energy and Buildings, 22,81-87,1995
53 B.E Psiloglou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos: On broadband Rayleigh Scattering in the atmosphere for solar radiation modeling. Journal Renewable Energy Sources, 6,4,429-433,1995
54 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, C. A. Balaras, A. Argiriou, D. Asimakopoulos and M. Vallindras : Use of buried pipes for Energy Conservation in Cooling of Agricultural Greenhouses. Solar Energy, 55, 2, p.p. 111-124, 1995.
55 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, A. Argiriou and D.N. Asimakopoulos : On the Performance of Buildings coupled with earth to air heat exchangers. Solar Energy, 54, 6, 375-380, 1995
56 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris, D. Asimakopoulos and A. Argiriou : On the ground temperature below buildings. Solar Energy, 55, 5, 355-362, 1995
57 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris , D. Asimakopoulos and I. Tselepidaki : Parametric Prediction of the Buried Pipes Cooling Potential for Passive Cooling Applications. Solar Energy, 55, 3, p.p. 163-173, 1995
58 E. Dascalaki, M. Santamouris A. Argiriou, C. Helmis, D.N. Asimakopoulos, K. Papadopoulos and A. Soilemes : Predicting Single Side Natural Ventilation Rates in Buildings. Solar Energy, 55, 5, 327-341, 1995
59 G. Mihalakakou, J.O. Lewis and M. Santamouris : On the Heating Potential of Buried Pipes Techniques - Application in Ireland. Journal of Energy and Buildings, 24, 1, p.p. 19-25, 1996
60 A.I. Dounis, M. Bruant, G. Guarracino, P. Michel and M. Santamouris : Indoor air Quality Control by a fuzzy reasoning machine in naturally ventilated buildings. Journal of Applied Energy, Vol.54, No1,p.p.11-28, 1996
61 B.E Psiloglou, C.A. Balaras, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : Evaluation of Different Radiation and Albedo Models for the Prediction of Solar Radiation Incident on Tilted Surfaces for four European Locations. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, 118, 1996
62 M. Santamouris, C.A. Balaras, E. Dascalaki, A. Argiriou and A. Gaglia : Energy Conservation and Retrofitting Potential in Hellenic Hotels. Journal Energy and Buildings, 24, 1, p.p. 65-75, 1996.
63 A.I. Dounis, M. Bruant, G. Guarracino, P. Michel and M. Santamouris : Comparison of Conventional and Fuzzy Control of Indoor Air Quality in Buildings. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 4, 1996
64 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, A. Argiriou and D. Asimakopoulos : On the Efficiency of Night Ventilation Techniques for Thermostatically Controlled Buildings. Solar Energy, 56, 6, p.p. 479-483, 1996.
65 C.A Balaras, E. Dascalaki, M. Santamouris, A. Gaglia : Educational and Training Activities in Renewable Energy in the European Union. The International Journal of Engineering Education, 12,1, p.p. 7-15, 1996.
66 G. Mihalakakou, J.O. Lewis and M. Santamouris : The Influence of Different Ground Covers on the Heating Potential of Earth to Air Heat Exchangers. Journal of Renewable Energy, 7,1, p.p. 33-46, 1996..
67 B.E Psiloglou, M. Santamouris, C. Varotsos and D. N. Asimakopoulos : A new Parameterization of the Integral Ozone Transmission. Solar Energy, 56,6, p.p. 573-581, 1996
68 E. Dascalaki, M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou, C. Helmis, D.N. Asimakopoulos, K. Papadopoulos and A. Soilemes : On the combination of air velocity and flow measurements in single sided natural ventilation configurations. Journal of Energy and Buildings, 24,p.p.155-165, 1996.
69 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, C.A. Balaras, J.O. Lewis, M. Vallindras and A. Argiriou : Energy Conservation in Greenhouses with buried pipes. Journal of Energy, Vol 21, 5, p.p. 353-360, 1996
70 K. H. Papadopoulos, A.T. Soilemes, C.G. Chelmis, D.N. Asimakopoulos, M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou and E. Dascalaki : A triple hot wire system for indoor air flow measurements. Journal Solar Energy Engineering, 118, 1996
71 C.P.Jacovides, G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and J.O. Lewis : On the ground temperature profile for passive cooling applications in buildings. Solar Energy, 57,3,p.p. 167-175, 1996.
72 A. Lagoudi, M. Loizidou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : Symptoms experienced, environmental factors and energy consumption in office buildings. Journal of Energy and Buildings, 24, p.p. 237-243, 1996.
73 A. Tsangrassoulis, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Daylight Performance for Various Shading Systems. Journal of Energy and Buildings, 24, p.p. 223-230, 1996.
74 B.E Psiloglou, C.A. Balaras, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos: Calculation of Ground Albedo for the Estimation of Global Radiation on Tilted Surfaces, for four European Locations. Int. Journal of Solar Energy, 18,231-258, 1997
75 M. Santamouris and A. Argiriou : Passive Cooling of Buildings - Results of the PASCOOL Program. Int. Journal of Solar Energy, 19,p.p. 3-19, 1997
76 M. Santamouris and A. Argiriou : Future Research Actions in Passive Cooling. Int. Journal of Solar Energy, 19,p.p. 199-211, 1997.
77 M. Santamouris G. Mihalakakou and D.N. Asimakopoulos : On the coupling of thermostatically controlled buildings with ground and night ventilation passive dissipation techniques. Solar Energy, 60,3/4, p.p. 191-197, 1997
78 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris J.O.Lewis and D.N. Asimakopoulos : On the application of the energy balance equation to predict the ground temperature profiles. Solar Energy, 60,3/4,p.p, 181-190, 1997
79 D. Dalianis, D. Petassis, M. Santamouris, A. Argiriou, C. Kartalis and D.N. Asimakopoulos: Social Cost of Electricity Generation in Greece. Journal Renewable Energy, 12,3,p.p. 281-289, 1997
80 B.E Psiloglou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : Predicting the spectral and broadband aerosol transmittance in the atmosphere for solar radiation modeling. Journal Renewable Energy, 12,3, p.p. 259-279, 1977.
81 A. Tsagrassoulis, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : On the Air Flow and Radiation Transfer through Partly Covered External Building Openings, .Solar Energy, Vol. 61, 6, pp 355-367, 1997.
82 E. Trianti - Stourna, K. Spyropoulou, C. Theofylaktos, K. Droutsa, C.A. Balaras, M. Santamouris, D.N. Asimakopoulos, G. Lazaropoulou and N. Papanikolaou : Energy conservation strategies for sports centers : Part A. Sports halls. J. Energy and Buildings, 27, p.p. 109-122, 1998
83 E. Trianti - Stourna, K. Spyropoulou, C. Theofylaktos, K. Droutsa, C.A. Balaras, M. Santamouris, D.N. Asimakopoulos, G. Lazaropoulou and N. Papanikolaou : Energy conservation strategies for sports centers : Part B. Swimming Pools. J. Energy and Buildings, 27, p.p. 123-135, 1998
84 I. Livada, S. Lykoudis, M. Santamouris and C.A. Balaras : High Ambient Air Temperature Frequency Distribution at Hellenic Islands. J. Energy and Buildings, 28, p.p. 119-126, 1998
85 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris, and D. Asimakopoulos : ‘Modeling ambient air temperature time series using neural Networks’ J Geophysical Research, 103, D16, P.P. 19509-19517, 1998
86 E. Dascalaki, M. Santamouris, M. Bruant, C.A. Balaras, A. Bossaer, D. Ducarne and P. Wouters : Modelling Large Openings with COMIS. Journal of Energy and Buildings, 30, p.p. 105-115, 1999
87 V. Geros, M. Santamouris, A. Tsangrassoulis and G. Guarracino :'Experimental Evaluation of Night Ventilation Phenomena'. J. Energy and Buildings, 29, 141-154, 1999.
88 M. Santamouris, N. Papanikolaou, I. Livada, I. Koronakis, C. Georgakis, A. Argiriou and D. N. Assimakopoulos :' On the Impact of Urban Climate to the Energy Consumption of Buildings' Solar Energy, 70,3,201-216,2001.
89 C.A. Balaras, M. Santamouris, D.N. Asimakopoulos, A.A. Argiriou, G. Paparsenos and A.G. Gaglia : ‘Energy Policy and an action plan for renewable energy sources (RES) for the Hellenic islands of the North Aegean Region’ J of Energy, 24, p.p. 335-350, 1999.
90 A. Tsangrassoulis, M. Santamouris, D. Asimakopoulos and P.R. Tregenza : 'A method for the estimation of illuminances on surfaces of street canyons with balconies in sunlit areas'. J. Lighting Research and Technology, 1999,
91 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, N. Papanikolaou and D. N. Assimakopoulos : ' A Neural Network Approach for Modelling the Heat Island Phenomenon in Urban Areas During the Summer Period' Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 3, p.p. 337-340, 1999.
92 E. Daskalaki, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : ' On the Use of Deterministic and Intelligent Techniques to Predict the Air Velocity Distribution on External Openings in Single - Sided Natural Ventilation Configurations'. Solar Energy, 66, 3, p.p. 223-243,1999
93 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, B. Psiloglou, G. Eftaxias and D.N. Asimakopoulos : 'Modeling the Global Solar Radiation on the Earth’s Surface Using Atmospheric Deterministic and Intelligent Data Driven Techniques'. J. of Climate, 12, 10, 3105-3116, 1999,
94 A. Tsangrassoulis, M. Santamouris, V. Geros, M. Wilson and D. Asimakopoulos :'A method to investigate the potential of south - oriented vertical surfaces for reflecting daylight onto oppositely facing vertical surfaces under sunny conditions'. Solar Energy, 66, 6, p.p. 439-446, 1999,
95 M. Santamouris, N. Papanikolaou, I. Koronakis, I. Livada, D. Asimakopoulos : ' Thermal and Air Flow Characteristics in a Deep Pedestrian Canyon under Hot Weather Conditions'. Atmospheric Environment, 33, p.p. 4503-4521, 1999
96 A. Tsagrassoulis and M. Santamouris : 'A Method to Estimate the Daylight Efficiency of Round Skylights' J. Energy and Buildings, 32,1,41-45,2000.
97 B.E Psiloglou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : Atmospheric Broadband Model to Computation of Solar Radiation at the earth's Surface. Application to Mediterranean Climates. Journal of Pure and Applied Geophysics, 157,5,829-860,2000.
98 E. Dascalaki, and M. Santamouris : 'Models for Natural Ventilation', Invited Review Paper, J. B. S.E.R.T., Vol. 20, No 2, p.p.B12-B15, 1999
99 S. Hassid. M. Santamouris, N. Papanikolaou, A. Linardi, N. Klitsikas,C. Georgakis, D.N. Assimakopoulos : 'The Effect of the Athens Heat Island on Air Conditioning Load', J. Energy and Buildings, 32,2,131-141,2000
100 M. Santamouris and E. Dascalaki : 'Passive Retrofitting of Office Buildings to Improve their Energy Performance and Indoor Environment : The Office Project' J. Buildings Environment, 37,6,575-578, 2002
101 E. Dascalaki and M. Santamouris: 'On the potential of retrofitting scenarios for offices' J. Buildings Environment, 37,6,557-567,2002
102 C.A. Roulet, F. Flourentzou, H.H. Labben, M. Santamouris, I. Koronaki, E. Daskalaki, V. Richalet : 'ORME : A Multicriteria Rating Methodology for Buildings' J. Buildings Environment, 37,6,579-586, 2002
103 A.A. Pepes, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : 'Bouyancy Driven Flow Through A Stairwell'. J. Building and Environment, 36,2,167-180,2001.
104 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : 'The Total Solar Radiation time series Simulation in Athens, using Neural Networks' J. of Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 66, 185-197, 2000
105 G. Mihalakakkou, M. Santamouris, H. Kovras : 'Energy Design Investigation for the Greek area of the North Aegean Sea’ J. Renewable Energy, 24, 171-183, 2001
106 A.A. Pepes, M. Santamouris and D.N. Asimakopoulos : 'Experimental and Numerical Study of a Bouyancy - Driven Stairwell Flow in a three storey building'. J. Building and Environment, 37,5,497-506,2002
107 C. Cartalis, A. Synodinou, M. Proedrou, A. Tsangrassoulis and M. Santamouris : 'Modifications in Energy Demand in urban areas as a result of climate changes : an assessment for the southeast Mediterranean region’ J. Energy Conversion and Management, 42, 14,1647-1656, 2001
108 A. Tsangrassoulis, C. Pavlou, M. Santamouris, W. Pohl and C. Scheiring : 'A new value of average beam solar heat gain coefficient for innovative daylighting systems’ J. Energy and Buildings, 33, 519-524, 2001
109 M.N. Assimakopoulos, A. Tsangrassoulis, P. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and S. Jaure : 'Development of a control algorithm to optimize airflow rates through variable size windows’. J. Energy and Buildings, 34,4,363-368,2002
110 I. Livada, M. Santamouris, K. Niachou, N. Papanikolaou and G. Mihalakakou : 'Determination of Places in the great Athens area where the heat island effect is observed’‘ Theoretical Appl. Climatol. , 71, 219-230,2002.
111 A. Tsangrassoulis, K. Niachou, N. Papakonstatntinou, C. Pavlou and M. Santamouris : 'A numerical method to estimate time - varying values of diffuse irradiance on surfaces in complex geometrical environments ’. J. Renewable Energies, 27,3,427-439, 2002
112 A. Niachou, K. Papakonstantinou, M .Santamouris, A. Tsangrassoulis and G. Mihalakakou : 'Analysis of the green roof thermal properties and investigation of its energy performance’. J.. Energy and Buildings, 2001, 33, 719-729
113 G. Mihalakakou, H.A. Flocas, M. Santamouris and C.G. Helmis : 'Application of Neural Networks to the Simulation of the Heat Island over Athens, Greece, Using Synoptic Types as a Predictor. , J. Applied Meteorology, 41,5,519-527,2002
114 G. Mihalakakkou, M. Santamouris, N. Papanikolaou, C. Cartalis and A. Tsangrassoulis: 'Simulation of the Urban Heat Island phenomenon in Mediterranean climates, J. Pure and Applied Geophysics , 161, p.p.429-451,2004.
115 A. Tsangrassoulis and M. Santamouris : 'Numerical Estimation of street canyon albedo consisting of vertical coated glazed facades'. J. Energy and Buildings, 35, 2003, 527-531
116 G. Mihalakakou, M. Santamouris and A. Tsagrassoulis : On the energy consumption in residential buildings', J. Energy and Buildings, 34,7,727-736,2002
117 G. Mihalakakou, B. Psiloglou, M.Santamouris and D. Nomidis : 'Application of renewable energy sources in the Greek Islands of the South Aegean Sea', Renewable Energy, 26,1,1-19,2002
118 M. Santamouris and C. Georgakis : 'Energy and Indoor Climate in Urban Environments : recent trends', ', J. Buildings Services Eng. Res. and Tech. 24,2 2003.
119 A.M. Papadopoulos, A. Avgelis and M. Santamouris: Energy Study of a medieval tower, restored as a museum' J. Energy and Buildings, 35 (2003) 951–961,
120 S. Karatasou , M. Santamouris and V. Geros : Analysis of Experimental Data on Diffuse Solar Radiation in Athens, Greece for Building applications', J. Sustainable Energy, Vol. 23, No. 1–2, March–June 2003, pp. 1–11
121 L. Doulos, M. Santamouris, I. Livada : Passive Cooling of outdoor urban spaces. The role of materials. Solar Energy, Volume 77, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 231-249
122 A. Synnefa, E. Polichronaki, E. Papagiannopoulou, M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, P. Doukas, P.A. Siskos, E. Bakeas, A. Dremetsika, A. Geranios, A. Delakou : An experimental investigation of the indoor air quality in fifteen school buildings in Athens, Greece. J. Ventilation, Vol.2,No3,p.p.185-202, 2004
123 V.Geros , M.Santamouris, S.Karatasou, A. Tsangrassoulis and N. Papanikolaou : On the Cooling Potential of Night Ventilation Techniques in the Urban Environment. Energy and Buildings, 37 (2005) 243–257
124 J.A. Clarke, S. Conner, G. Fujii, V. Geros, G. Jóhannesson, C.M. Johnstone, S. Karatasou, J. Kim, M. Santamouris , P.A. Strachan : The role of simulation in support of Internet-based energy services. J. Energy and Buildings, Volume 36, Issue 8, August 2004, Pages 837-846
125 C. Ghiaus, F. Allard, M. Santamouris, C. Georgakis, F. Nicol : Urban environment influence on natural ventilation potential, J. Buildings Environment, 41 (2006) 395–406
126 K. Niachou, S. Hassid, M. Santamouris and I. Livada : Comparative monitoring of natural, hybrid and mechanical ventilation systems in urban canyons J. Energy and Buildings, 37 (2005) 503–513
127 Ch.Georgakis, M.Santamouris : On the Airflow in Urban Canyons for Ventilation Purposes, The Int. J. Ventilation, 3,1,p.p. 53-66, June2004
128 A. Tsangrassoulis, V. Bourdakis, V. Geros, M. Santamouris : A genetic algorithm solution to the design of slat-type shading system. J. Renewable Energy Volume 31, Issue 14, November 2006, Pages 2321-2328
129 J. Jospisil, M. Jicha. , A. Niachou and M. Santamouris : Computational Modelling of Airflow in Urban Street Canyon and Comparison with Measurements, Int. J. Environmental Pollution, Volume 25, Number 1-4 / 2005, P.P. 191 - 200
130 V.D. Assimakopoulos, C. Georgakis and M. Santamouris : Experimental Validation of Computational Fluid Dynamics Code to Predict the Wind Speed in Street Canyons for Passive Cooling Purposes, Solar Energy, 80 (2006) 423–434
131 Ch.Georgakis*, M. Santamouris : Experimental investigation of air flow and temperature distribution in deep urban canyons for natural ventilation purposes, Energy and Buildings, Volume 38, Issue 4, April 2006, Pages 367-376
132 D. Kolokotsa, K. Niachou, V. Geros, K. Kalaitzakis, G. S. Stavrakakis and M. Santamouris : Implementation of an integrated indoor environment and energy management system, Energy and Buildings, Volume 37, Issue 1, January 2005, Pages 93-99
133 A. Tsangrassoulis, L. Doulos, M. Santamouris, M. Fontoynont, F. Maamari, M. Wilson, A. Jacobs, J. Solomon, A. Zimmerman, W. Pohl and G. Mihalakakou : On the energy efficiency of a prototype hybrid daylighting system, Solar Energy, Volume 79, Issue 1, July 2005, p.p. 56-64
137 A. Synnefa, M. Santamouris, I. Livada: A study of the thermal performance of reflective coatings for the urban environment, Solar Energy, Volume 80, Issue 8, August 2006, p.p. 968-981. Best and Oustanding Paper Awatd published in Solar Energy during 2005-2006
138 G. Zannis, M. Santamouris, V. Geros, S. Karatasou, K. Pavlou and M. N. Assimakopoulos Energy efficiency in retrofitted and new museum buildings in Europe, International Journal of Sustainable Energy Vol. 25, No. 3, Month 2006, 1–15
139 V.Geros, M.Santamouris, S. Amourgis, S. Medved, E. Milford, G.Robinson, K. Steemers and S. Karatasou : A Distant-Learning Training Module on the Environmental Design of Urban Buildings, Renewable Energy, Volume 31, Issue 15, December 2006, Pages 2447-2459
140 S.Karatasou, M.Santamouris and V.Geros, Modeling and Predicting Building’s energy use with Artificial Neural Networks: Methods and results, Energy and Buildings, Volume 38, Issue 8, August 2006, Pages 949-958
141 K. Niachou, I. Livada and M. Santamouris : Experimental Study of Temperature and Airflow Distribution inside an urban street canyon during hot summer weather conditions. Part 1. Air and Surface Temperatures, J. Buildings Environment, Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 1383-1392
142 K. Niachou, I. Livada and M. Santamouris : Experimental Study of Temperature and Airflow Distribution inside an urban street canyon during hot summer weather conditions. Part 2. Air Flow Analysis. J. Buildings Environment, Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 1393-1403
143 K. Niachou, S. Hassid, M. Santamouris and I. Livada : Experimental Performance Investigation of Natural, Mechanical and Hybrid Ventilation in Urban Environment. J. Buildings Environment, Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 1373-1382
144 S. Karatasou, M. Santamouris, V.Geros : On the calculation of solar utilizability for south oriented flat plate collectors tilted to an angle equal to the local latitude . Solar Energy, Volume 80, Issue 12, December 2006, Pages 1600-1610
145 M. Santamouris, K. Paraponiaris and G. Mihalakakou : Estimating the Ecological Footprint of the Heat Island effect over Athens, Greece Climate Change,(2007) 80:265-276.
146 M. N. Assimakopoulos, A. Tsangrassoulis, M.Santamouris and G. Guarracino : Comparing the Energy Performance of an electrochromic window under various control strategies, J. Building and Environment, 42 (2007),p.p.2829-2834.
147 M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, P. Patargias, Ν. Gaitani, K. Sfakianaki, M. Papaglastra, C. Pavlou, P. Doukas, E. Primikiri, V. Geros, M.N. Assimakopoulos, R. Mitoula and S. Zerefos: Using intelligent clustering techniques to classify the energy performance of school buildings. Energy and Buildings, Volume 39, Issue 1, January 2007, Pages 45-51
148 M. Santamouris : Heat Island Research in Europe – The State of the Art. Journal Advances Building Energy Research, (Review Paper), Vol.1, p.p.123-150, 2007
149 Wolfgang Streicher, Richard Heimrath, Herwig Hengsberger, Thomas Mach, Reinhard Waldner, Gilles Flamant, Xavier Loncour, Gérard Guarracino, Hans Erhorn, Heike Erhorn-Kluttig, Matheos Santamouris, Ifigenia Farou, S. Zerefos, M. Assimakopoulos, Rogério Duarte, Åke Blomsterberg, Lars Sjöberg, Christer Blomquist: On the Typology, Costs, Energy Performance, Environmental Quality and Operational Characteristics of Double Skin Façades in European Buildings, Journal Advances Building Energy Research, (Review Paper), Vol.1,p.p.1-28, 2007
150 A. Synnefa, M. Santamouris and K. Apostolakis : On the development, optical properties and thermal performance of cool colored coatings for the urban environment, Solar Energy 81 (2007) 488–497
151 C. Georgakis, M. Santamouris : On the Estimation of Wind Speed in Urban Canyons for Ventilation Purposes. Part One: Coupling Between the Undisturbed Wind Speed and the Canyon Wind. J. Buildings Environment, Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 1404-1410
152 M. Santamouris, C. Georgakis and A. Niachou : On the Estimation of Wind Speed in Urban Canyons for Ventilation Purposes. Part Two: Using of Data Driven Techniques to Calculate the More Probable Wind Speed in Urban Canyons for low ambient wind speeds, . Buildings Environment, , Volume 43, Issue 8, August 2008, Pages 1411-1418
153 M. Santamouris, K. Kapsis, D. Korres, I. Livada, C. Pavlou and M.N. Assimakopoulos : On the Relation Between the Energy and Social Characteristics of the Residential Sector. Energy and Buildings. 39 (2007) 893–905
154 M. Santamouris, C. Pavlou, P. Doukas, G. Mihalakakou, A. Synnefa, A. Hatzibiros, and P. Patargias: Investigating and Analysing the Energy and Environmental Performance of an Experimental Green Roof System Installed in a Nursery School Building in Athens, Greece. Energy 32 (9), pp. 1781-1788, 2007
155 M. Santamouris, K. Argiroudis, M. Georgiou, I. Livada, P. Doukas, M.N. Assimakopoulos, A. Sfakianaki, K. Pavlou, V. Geros and M. Papaglastra : Indoor Air Quality in Fifty Residences in Athens, Int. Journal of Ventilation, Vol. 5, No 4, p.p.367-380, March 2007.
156 D. Kolokotsa, G. Sutherland, G. Stavrakakis, S. Karatassou, M. Santamouris : A matrix tool for assessing the performance of intelligent buildings, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, Volume 18 Issue 1,p.p.36-49, 2007
157 A. Synnefa, M. Santamouris and H.Akbari: Estimating the effect of using cool coatings on energy loads and thermal comfort in residential buildings in various climatic conditions, Energy and Buildings, 39,11, 1167-1174, 2007
158 Aikaterini Sfakianaki, Konstantinos Pavlou, Mathew Santamouris, Iro Livada, Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos, Panagiotis Mantas, Alexandros Christakopoulos, Air – tightness measurements of residential houses in Athens, Greece, Building and Environment, 43 (2008) 398–405
159 M. Santamouris, K. Pavlou, A. Synnefa, K. Niachou, D. Kolokotsa : Recent Progress on Passive Cooling Techniques. Advanced Technological Developments to Improve Survivability levels in Low - Income Households. Energy and Buildings, 39 (2007) 859–866
160 I.Livada – M.Santamouris – M.N.Assimakopoulos : On the variability of summer air temperature during the last 28 years in Athens, JGR, 2007, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, D12103, 2007.
161 M. Kolokotroni, J. Shilliday, M. Liddament, M. Santamouris, I. Farrou, O. Seppanen, R. Brown, J. Parker, G. Guarracino : Vent DisCourse: Development of educational material on energy efficient ventilation of buildings, Int. J. Ventilation, (1), pp. 61-67. 2007
162 M. Santamouris, A. Synnefa, D. Kolokotsa , V. Dimitriou, K. Apostolakis : Passive Cooling of the Built Environment – Use of Innovative Reflective Materials to Fight Heat Island and Decrease Cooling Needs, International Journal Low Carbon Technologies,2008, 3 (2), pp. 71-82
163 N. Papanikolaou, I. Livada, M. Santamouris, Κ. Νiachou : The Influence of Wind Speed on Heat Island Phenomenon in Athens, Greece. Int. J. Ventilation, Vol 6, No 4, 2008
164 E Stathopoulou, G Mihalakakou, M Santamouris and H S Bagiorgas : Impact of Temperature on Tropospheric Ozone Concentration Levels in Urban Environments, J. of Earth System Science, Volume 117, Issue 3, June 2008, Pages 227-236
165 M. Santamouris, A. Synnefa, M. Asssimakopoulos, I. Livada, K. Pavlou, M. Papaglastra, N. Gaitani, D. Kolokotsa, V. Assimakopoulos : Experimental investigation of the air flow and indoor carbon dioxide concentration in classrooms with intermittent natural ventilation, Energy and Buildings 40 (2008) 1833–1843
166 Synnefa, A. Dandou, M. Santamouris, M. Tombrou, N. Soulakellis : On the Use of cool materials as a Heat Island Mitigation Strategy J. Applied Met, 2008 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Volume 47, Issue 11 (November 2008), pp. 2846–2856
167 Zulia E, Santamouris M and Dimoudi A : Monitoring the effect of urban green areas on the heat island in Athens", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 156 (1-4), pp. 275-292, 2009
168 S. Karatasou, V. Geros and M. Santamouris : Internet Based Energy Services During Cooling Season, The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, 2008, 2, 00-00
169 M. Sthathopoulou, A. Synnefa, C. Cartalis, M. Santamouris, T. Karlessi and H. Akbari : A surface heat island study of Athens using high-resolution satellite imagery and measurements of the optical and thermal properties of commonly used building and paving materials, J. Sustainable Energy, 28 (1-3), pp. 59-76, March, 2009
170 T. Karlessi, M. Santamouris, K. Apostolakis, A. Synnefa, I. Livada: Development and testing of thermochromic coatings for buildings and urban structures, Solar Energy, Volume 83, Issue 4, April 2009, Pages 538-551
171 Sfakianaki, E. Pagalou, K. Pavlou, M. Santamouris ,M.N. Assimakopoulos : Theoretical and experimental analysis of the thermal behaviour of a green roof system installed in two residential buildings in Athens, Greece, Int. J. Energy Research, Volume 33, Issue 12, 2009, Pages 1059-1069
172 C. Halios, M. Santamouris, A. Helmi, M. Kapsalaki, M. Saliari, A. Spanou, D. Tsakos : Exposure to fine particulate matter in ten night clubs in Athens Greece: studying the effect of ventilation and cigarette smoking, J. Science of the Total Environment, Volume 407, Issue 17, 15 August 2009, Pages 4894-4901
173 S. Karatasou, M. Santamouris : Detection of low-dimensional chaos in buildings energy consumption time series, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 15, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 1603-1612
174 K. Pavlou, K. Vasilakopoulou, M. Santamouris : On the impact of several construction elements on the thermal performance of solar chimneys, Int. J. Ventilation, December , pp. 277-285 2009
175 C. H.Halios, Margarita N. Assimakopoulos, D. Sfihtelli Stathis Chrisafis and M. Santamouris : Studying the effect of indoor sources and ventilation on the particulates concentrations in dining halls, Int. J. Ventilation, 2010
176 N. Gaitani, A. Spanou, M. Saliari, A. Synnefa, K. Vassilakopoulou, K. Papadopoulou, K. Pavlou, M. Santamouris, M. Papaioannou, A. Lagoudaki : Improving the Microclimate in Urban Areas. A Case Study in the Centre of Athens, Journal Building Services Engineers, 2011, 32 (1), pp. 53-71
177 Georgakis C., Santamouris M. , Kaisarlis G, : The vertical stratification of air temperature in the center of Athens, Journal Applied Meteorology, 2010
178 Giannopoulou, K , M. Santamouris, I. Livada, C. Georgakis and Y. Caouris : The Impact of Canyon Geometry on Intra Urban and Urban - Suburban Night Temperature Differences Under Warm Weather Conditions, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2010
179 N. Gaitani, C. Lehmann, M. Santamouris, G. Mihalakakou, P. Patargias : Using principal component and cluster analysis in the heating evaluation of the school building sector, Applied Energy, Volume 87, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 2079-2086
180 M. Santamouris∗, A. Sfakianaki, K. Pavlou : On the efficiency of night ventilation techniques applied to residential buildings, Energy and Buildings 42 (2010) 1309–1313
181 Synnefa A, T. Karlessi, N. Gaitani, M. Santamouris, D.N. Assimakopoulos, C. Papakatsikas : Experimental testing of cool colored thin layer asphalt and estimation of its potential to improve the urban microclimate, Building and Environment, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 38-44
182 K. Giannopoulou, I. Livada, M. Santamouris, M. Saliari and M. Assimakopoulos, Y. G. Caouris : On the Characteristics of the Summer Urban Heat Island in Athens, Greece. Journal Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 16-28
183 Pantavou K, Theoharatos G, Mavrakis A, Santamouris M. Evaluating Thermal Comfort Conditions and Health Responses during an extremely hot summer in Athens, Building and Environment, Volume 46, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 339-344
184 N. Fintikakis, N. Gaitani, M. Santamouris, M. Assimakopoulos, D.N. Assimakopoulos, M. Fintikaki, G. Albanis, K. Papadimitriou, E. Chryssochoides, K. Katopodi, P. Doumas : Bioclimatic design of open public spaces in the historic centre of Tirana, Albania Original Research Article Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 1, Issue 1, February 2011, Pages 54-62
185 T.Karlessi, M. Santamouris, A. Synnefa, D. Assimakopoulos, P. Didaskalopoulos, K. Apostolakis : Development and testing of PCM doped cool colored coatings to mitigate urban heat island and cool buildings. Building and Environment, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2011, Pages 570-576
186 K. Gobakis, D. Kolokotsa, A. Synnefa, M. Saliari, K. Giannopoulou, M. Santamouris : Development of a model for urban heat island prediction using neural network techniques, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2011, Pages 104-115
187 M. Santamouris, A. Synnefa, T. Karlessi : Using advanced cool materials in the urban built environment to mitigate heat islands and improve thermal comfort conditions Solar Energy 85 (2011) 3085–3102
188 Lazaros Elias Mavromatidis, Pierre Michel, Mohamed El Mankibi and Mat Santamouris : Study on transient heat transfer through multilayer thermal insulation: Numerical analysis and experimental investigation, Building Simulation, 2010, Volume 3, Number 4, Pages 279-294
189 Lazaros Elias Mavromatidis, Anna Bykalyuk, Mohamed el Mankibi, pierre michel, Mat Santamouris : Numerical estimation of air gaps’ influence on Numerical estimation of air gaps’ influence on the insulating performance of Multilayer Thermal Insulation, Building and Environment Volume 49, March 2012, Pages 227-237
190 Sfakianaki, A., Santamouris, M. , Hutchins, M. , Nichol, F. , Wilson, M. , Pagliano, L. , Pohl, W. , Alexandre, J.L., Freire, A.: Energy consumption variation due to different thermal comfort categorization introduced by European standard EN 15251 for new building design and major rehabilitations, International Journal of Ventilation Volume 10, Issue 2, September 2011, Pages 195-204
191 Lazaros Elias Mavromatidis, Mohamed EL Mankibi, Pierre Michel, Mat Santamouris : Numerical estimation of time lags and decrement factors for wall complexes including Multilayer Thermal Insulation, in two different climatic zones Applied Energy, Volume 92, April 2012, Pages 480-491
192 Synnefa, M. Saliari, M. Santamouris : Experimental and numerical assessment of the impact of increased roof reflectance on a school building in Athens Original Research Article Energy and Buildings, Volume 55, December 2012, Pages 7-15
193 A. Synnefa, M. Santamouris : Advances on technical, policy and market aspects of cool roof technology in Europe: The Cool Roofs project , Energy and Buildings, Volume 55, December 2012, Pages 35-41
194 A. Sakka, M. Santamouris, I. Livada, F. Nicol, M. Wilson : On the thermal performance of low income housing during heat waves, Energy and Buildings, Volume 49, June 2012, Pages 69-77
195 Lazaros Mavromatidis, Mohamed El Mankibi, Pierre Michel, Anna Bykalyuk, Mat Santamouris : Guidelines to study numerically and experimentally reflective insulation systems as applied to buildings, , J. Advances Building Energy Research, 2012
196 M. Santamouris, F. Xirafi , N. Gaitani , A. Spanou1, M. Saliari and K. Vassilakopoulou : Improving the Microclimate in a Dense Urban Area Using Experimental and Theoretical Techniques. – The case of Marousi, Athens. Int. Journal of Ventilation, Volume 11 No 1, pp. 1-16, June 2012.
197 D. Kolokotsa, P. Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, S. Papantoniou, E. Vangeloglou, M. Saliari, T. Karlessi, M. Santamouris : Development and analysis of mineral based coatings for buildings and urban structures, Solar Energy, Volume 86, Issue 5, May 2012, Pages 1648-1659
198 Santamouris M, N. Gaitani, A. Spanou, M. Saliari, K. Gianopoulou and K. Vasilakopoulou : Using Cool Paving Materials to Improve Microclimate of Urban Areas – Design Realisation and Results of the Flisvos Project. Building and Environment, Volume 53, July 2012, Pages 128-136
199 D.A. Asimakopoulos, M. Santamouris, I. Farrou, M. Laskari, M. Saliari, G. Zanis, G. Giannakidis, K. Tigas, J. Kapsomenakis, C. Douvis, S.C. Zerefos, T. Antonakaki, C. Giannakopoulos : Modelling the energy demand projection of the building sector in Greece in the 21st century Energy and Buildings, Volume 49, June 2012, Pages 488-498
200 M. Santamouris : Cooling the Cities – A Review of Reflective and Green Roof Mitigation Technologies to Fight Heat Island and Improve Comfort in Urban Environments, Solar Energy, 103 (2014) 682–703, 2014
201 Ifigenia Farrou, Maria Kolokotroni, Mat Santamouris : A method for energy classification of hotels: a case-study of Greece, Energy and Buildings (2010), doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.08.010
202 Mattheos Santamouris, Dionysia Kolokotsa : Passive cooling dissipation techniques for buildings and other structures: The state of the art Review Article, Energy and Buildings, Volume 57, February 2013, Pages 74-94,
203 M. Kapsalaki, V. Leal, M. Santamouris : A methodology for economic efficient design of Net Zero Energy Buildings, Energy and Buildings, Volume 55, December 2012, Pages 765-778
204 M.N. Assimakopoulos, A. Dounis, A. Spanou, M. Santamouris :Indoor air quality in a metropolitan area metro using fuzzy logic assessment system, Science of the Total Environment In Press.
205 V. Dorizas, E. Kapsanaki-Gotsi, M.N. Assimakopoulos and M. Santamouris : Correlation of Particulate Matter with Airborne Fungi in Schools in Greece, Int. J. Ventilation, June 2013
206 Katerina Pantavou, George Theoharatos, Mattheos Santamouris, Dimosthenis Asimakopoulos : Outdoor thermal sensation of pedestrians in a Mediterranean climate and a comparison with UTCI Original Research Article, Building and Environment, Volume 66, August 2013, Pages 82-95.
207 Theoni Karlessi and Mat Santamouris : Improving the performance of thermochromic coatings with the use of UV and optical filters tested under accelerated aging conditions, J. low Carbon Technologies, Volume 10, Issue 1, 1 March 2015, Pages 45–61,
208 Stavroula Karatasou, Marina Laskari, and Mat Santamouris : Models directions and findings for behavior based energy efficiency of behavior change and residential energy use: A review of researh, Advances Building Energy Research, In press, 2013.
209 J. Kapsomenakis,D. Kolokotsa, T. Nikolaou, M. Santamouris, and S. C. Zerefos : Forty Years Increase of the Air Ambient Temperature in Greece: The Impact on Buildings, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 74, October 2013, Pages 353-365
210 Santamouris M : Using cool pavements as a mitigation strategy to fight urban heat island—A review of the actual developments. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Volume 26, October 2013, Pages 224-240
211 D. Kolokotsa, M. Santamouris and S.C. Zerefos : Green and cool roofs’ urban heat island mitigation potential in European climates for office buildings under free floating conditions, Solar Energy, Volume 95, September 2013, Pages 118–130
212 M. Santamouris, J. A. Paravantis, D. Founda, D. Kolokotsa, P. Michalakakou, A. M. Papadopoulos, N. Kontoulis, A. Tzavali, E. K. Stigka, Z. Ioannidis, P. Mexil, A. Matthiessen & E. Servou : Financial Crisis and Energy Consumption: A Household Survey in Greece, Energy and Buildings, Volume 65, October 2013, Pages 477-487, 2013
213 Giannopoulou, K., Livada, I., Santamouris, M., Saliari, M., Assimakopoulos, M., & Caouris, Y., The influence of Air Temperature and Humidity on Human Thermal Comfort over the Greater Athens Area, Sustainable Cities and Society (2013),
214 Elena Mastrapostoli; Theoni Karlessi; Alexandros Pantazaras; Kostas Gobakis; Dionysia Kolokotsa; Mattheos Santamouris : On the cooling potential of cool roofs in cold climates: Use of cool fluorocarbon coatings to enhance the optical properties and the energy performance of industrial buildings, Energy and Buildings, Volume 69, February 2014, Pages 417-425
215 F. Skoulika, M. Santamouris and N. Boemi D. Kolokotsa : On the Thermal Characteristics and the Mitigation Potential of a Medium Size Urban Park in Athens, Greece, Landscape and Urban Planning, 123 (2014) 73–86
216 Anna Laura Pisello, Mattheos Santamouris, Franco Cotana : Active Cool Roof Effect : Impact of Cool Roofs on Cooling System Efficiency, Advances Building Energy Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2013, Pages 209-221
217 K. Pantavou, M. Santamouris, D. Asimakopoulos and G. Theoharatos : Evaluating the performance of bioclimatic indices on quantifying thermal sensation for pedestrians, Advances Building Energy Research, In Press 2013
218 Emanuele Bonamente , Federico Rossi , Valentina Coccia , Anna Laura Pisello , Andrea Nicolini , Beatrice Castellani , Franco Cotana , Mirko Filipponi , Elena Morini & Matheos Santamouris : An energy-balanced analytic model for urban heat canyons: comparison with experimental data, Advances Building Energy Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, 222–234 2013
219 M. Santamouris , S.M. Alevizos , L. Aslanoglou , D. Mantzios , P. Milonas , I. Sarelli , S. Karatasou , K. Cartalis , J.A. Paravantis : Freezing the poor—Indoor environmental quality in low and very low income households during the winter period in Athens, Energy and Buildings 70 (2014) 61–70
220 S. Chadiarakou, M. Santamouris : Field survey on multy- family buildings in order to depict their energy characteristics, Int. J. of Sustainable Energy, In press 2014.
221 N. Gaitani, M. Santamouris, C. Cartalis, I. Pappas, F. Xyrafi, E. Mastrapostoli, P. Karahaliou, Ch. Efthymiou : Microclimatic Analysis as a prerequisite for sustainable urbanization: application for an urban regeneration project for a Medium Size City in the Greater Urban Agglomeration of Athens-Greece, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 13, October 2014, Pages 230–236, 2014
222 M. Santamouris and D. Kolokotsa : On the Impact of Urban Overheating and Extreme Climatic conditions on Housing Energy Comfort and Environmental Quality of Vulnerable Population in Europe. Energy and Buildings, 98 (2015) 125–133, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.08.050
223 Konstantina Vasilakopoulou, Afroditi Synnefa, Dionisia Kolokotsa, Theoni Karlessi, Mattheos Santamouris : Performance Prediction and Optimisation of an Integrated Light Pipe and Artificial Lighting System. Int J. Sustainable Energy, In Press, 2014
224 Ch. Georgakis, S. Zoras, M. Santamouris : Studying the effect of “cool” coatings in street urban canyons and its potential as a heat island mitigation technique, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 13, October 2014, Pages 20-31
225 Katerina Pantavou, Mattheos Santamouris, Dimosthenis Asimakopoulos, George Theoharatos : Empirical calibration of thermal indices in an urban Outdoor Mediterranean environment, Building and Environment 80 (2014) 283-292
226 M. Santamouris : On The Energy Impact of Urban Heat Island and Global Warming on Buildings, Energy and Buildings, Volume 82, October 2014, Pages 100-113, 2014
227 C. Papanikolas, M. A. Lange, N. Fylaktos, Alaric Montenon, G. Kalouris, N.Fintikakis, M. Fintikaki, D. Kolokotsa, K. Tsirbas, C. Pavlou, K, Vasilakopoulou and M. Santamouris : Design, Construction and Monitoring of a near zero energy laboratory building in Cyprus, Advances Building Energy Research, Volume 9, issue.1, 2015.
228 T. Psomas, P. Holtzer and M. Santamouris : A Naturally Ventilated Efficient Residential Building under the Impact of Climate Change, Int. J. Ventilation, Volume 13 Number 2, ISSN 1473 – 3315, 2014
229 Farrou, I., Kolokotroni, M.,Santamouris, M. : Building envelope design for climate change mitigation: a case study of hotels in Greece, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Volume 35, Issue 10, 2016
230 I. Paravantis and M. Santamouris : An Analysis of Indoor Temperature Measurements in Low- and Very-Low-Income Housing in Athens, Greece, Advances Building Energy Research, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2016
231 Paraskevi Vivian Dorizas, Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos, Constantinos Helmis, Mattheos Santamouris : An integrated evaluation study of the ventilation rate, the exposure and the indoor air quality in naturally ventilated classrooms in the Mediterranean region during spring, Science of the Total Environment, 502 (2015) 557–570
232 Santamouris M., C. Cartalis, A. Synnefa, D. Kolokotsa : On The Impact of Urban Heat Island and Global Warming on the Power Demand and Electricity Consumption of Buildings–A Review, Energy and Buildings, Volume 98, 1 July 2015, Pages 119-124, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2014.09.052
233 Kostas Gobakis; Dionysia Kolokotsa; Pagona-Noni Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki; Vassilis Perdikatsis; Mattheos Santamouris : Development and analysis of advanced inorganic coatings for buildings and urban structures, Energy and Buildings, 89 (2015) 196–205
234 M. Santamouris : Regulating the damaged thermostat of the Cities – Status, Impacts and Mitigation Strategies, Energy and Buildings, Energy and Buildings 91 (2015) 43–56
235 M. Santamouris : Analyzing the heat island magnitude and characteristics in one hundred Asian and Australian cities and regions, Science of the Total Environment 512–513 (2015) 582–598
236 Stella Panayiota Pieri,IoannisTzouvadakis, Mat Santamouris : Identifying energy consumption patterns in the Attica hotel sector using cluster analysis techniques with the aim of reducing hotels' CO2 footprint, Energy and Buildings, In Press, 2015
237 Matheos Santamouris, Constantinos Cartalis, A. Synnefa : Local urban warming, possible impacts and a resilience plan to climate change for the historical center of Athens, Greece, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 19, December 2015, Pages 281-291
238 Federico Rossi, Beatrice Castellani, Andrea Presciutti, Elena Morini, Mirko Filipponi, Andrea Nicolini, Matheos Santamouris : Retroreflective façades for urban heat island mitigation: Experimental investigation and energy evaluations, Applied Energy, Volume 145, 1 May 2015, Pages 8-20
239 Paraskevi Vivian Dorizas, Margarita-Niki Assimakopoulos, Mattheos Santamouris : A Holistic Approach for the Assessment of the Indoor Environmental Quality, Students Productivity and Energy Consumption in Primary Schools, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, In Press, 2015
240 A.L. Pisello, V.L. Castaldo, G. Pignatta, F. Cotana, M. Santamouris : Experimental in-lab and in-field analysis of waterproof membranes for cool roof application and urban heat island mitigation, Energy and Buildings, 114 (2016) 180–190
241 P. Karachaliou, Mat Santamouris, Helli Pangalou : Experimental and numerical analysis of the energy performance of a large scale intensive green roof system installed on an office building in Athens, Energy and Buildings, Volume 114, 15 February 2016
242 Mastrapostoli E, Santamouris M, Kolokotsa D, V. Perdikatsis, Venieri D, Gobakis K : On the aging of cool roofs. Measure of the optical degradation, chemical and biological analysis and assessment of the energy impact , Energy and Buildings, Volume 114, 15 February 2016, Pages 191–199
243 Rosa Schiano-Phan, Filippo Weber, Mat Santamouris : The Mitigative Potential of Urban Environments and their Microclimates, Buildings, In Press, 2015
244 D. Kolokotsa, M. Santamouris : Review of the indoor environmental quality and energy consumption studies for low income households in Europe, Science of the Total Environment 536 (2015) 316–330
245 H. Akbari, C. Cartalis, D. Kolokotsa, A. Muscio, A. L. Pisello, F. Rossi, M. Santamouris, A. Synnefa, N.H. Wong, M. Zinzi : Local Climate Change and Urban Heat Island Mitigation Techniques – The State of the Art, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22 (1), pp. 1-16,2016
246 Stella Panayiota Pieri, Mat Santamouris, Ioannis Tzouvadakis : Energy Signature models of naturally ventilated hotels in Athens: a hotel classification methodology, International Journal of Ventilation, 16(4):1-22 · June 2016
247 M. Lascari, S. Karatasou and M. Santamouris : The Design of an Energy and Water Advice Programme for Low-Income Households, Energy and Buildings, Volume 110, 1 January 2016, Pages 426-434
248 Tilmann E. Kuhn, Helen Rose Wilson, Johannes Hanek, Mattheos Santamouris : Raout−in: Color rendering of objects in a daylit room viewed from outdoors: Energy and Buildings, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 12 February 2016, 2016 > 118 > C > 93-98
249 M. Santamouris Innovating to zero the building sector in Europe: Minimising the energy consumption, eradication of the energy poverty and mitigating the local climate change, Solar Energy Volume 128, April 2016, Pages 61–94
250 Chirag Deb, Lee Siew Eang, Junjing Yang, Mattheos Santamouris :Forecasting diurnal cooling energy load for institutional buildings using Artificial Neural Networks, Energy and Buildings, Energy and Buildings 121 (2016) 284–297
251 Junjing Yang, Mattheos Santamouris, Siew Eang Lee : Review of occupancy sensing systems and occupancy modeling methodologies for the application in institutional buildings, Energy and Buildings, 121, 344-349,2016
252 Junjing Yang, Mattheos Santamouris, Siew Eang Lee, Chirag Deb : Energy performance model development and occupancy number identification of institutional buildings, Original Research Article, Energy and Buildings, 192-204,216,2016
253 Fabrizio Ascione Nicola Bianco, Rosa Francesca De Masi, Maria Dousi, Hionidis S., Kaliakos S., Elena Mastrapostoli, Michael Nomikos, Mattheos Santamouris, Afroditi Synnefa, Kostantina Vassilakopoulou, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli : Design and Performance of a Zero-Energy Settlement in Greece, Journal Low Carbon Technology, doi: 10.1093/ijlct/ctw003First published online: March 8, 2016.
254 Cartalis C, Santamouris, M, Polydoros A, Mavrakou T : Thermal Hot Spots in Cities as Hazards for Health Security: An Application for the Urban Agglomeration of Athens, Greece, Int J Natural Disaster Health Secur. 3(1), 13-16.
255 C. Efthymiou, M. Santamouris, D. Kolokotsa, A. Koras : Development and Testing of Photovoltaic Pavement for Heat Island Mitigation, Solar Energy, Volume 130, June 2016, Pages 148-160
256 Agathangelidis, Cartalis C and Santamouris M : Estimation of Air Temperatures for the Urban Agglomeration of Athens with the Use of Satellite Data, Geoinfor Geostat: An Overview 2016, 4:2
257 Junjing Yang, Alexandros Pantazaras, Siew Eang Lee & Mattheos Santamouris : Retrofitting solutions for two different occupancy levels of educational buildings in tropics, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, DOI: 10.1080/14786451.2016.1177052
258 Dionysia Kolokotsa, Kostas Gobakis, S. Papantoniou, C. Georgatou, N. Kampelis, Kostas Kalaitzakis, K. Vasilakopoulou, Mat Santamouris :Development of a web based energy management system for University Campuses: The CAMP-IT platform, Energy and Buildings, Volume 123, 1 July 2016, Pages 119-135
259 Alexandros Pantazaras, Siew Eang Lee, Mattheos Santamouris, Junjing Yang : Predicting the CO2 levels in buildings using deterministic and identified models, Energy and Buildings, Volume 127, 1 September 2016, Pages 774-785
260 M. Lascari, S. Karatasou and M. Santamouris : A methodology for the determination of indoor environmental quality in residential buildings through the monitoring of fundamental environmental parameters: a proposed Dwelling Environmental Quality Index, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol 26, Issue 6, 2017
261 M. Santamouris : Cooling of Buildings. Past, Present and Future, Energy and Buildings, 128 (2016) 617–638, 2016
262 C. Anestopoulou, C. Efthymiou, D. Kokkonis and M. Santamouris : On the development, testing and performance evaluation of energy efficient coatings for buildings, International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, Volume 12, Issue 3, September 2017,
263 Pyrgou, Andri., Castaldo, Veronica Lucia., Pisello, Anna Laura., Cotana, Franco., & Santamouris, Mattheos.: On the effect of summer heat waves and urban overheating on building thermal-energy performance in central Italy.Sustainable Cities and Society
264 F. Larsen, C. Fillipin and M.Santamouris : Retrospective Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Single Family Dwellings in Central Argentina. Retrofitting and Adaptation to the Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Volume 101, February 2017, Pages 1226-1241
265 G. Pignatta, C. Chatzinikola, G. Artopoulos, C.N. Papanicolas, D.K. Serghides, M. Santamouris : Analysis of the indoor thermal quality in low income Cypriot households during winter, Energy and Buildings, Energy and Buildings 152 (2017) 766–775
266 M. Foustalieraki, M.N. Assimakopoulos, M. Santamouris, H. Pangalou : Energy performance of a medium scale green roof system installed on a commercial building using numerical and experimental data recorded during the cold period of the year, Energy and Buildings, Volume 135, 15 January 2017, Pages 33-38
267 Junjing Yang, Kwok Wai Tham, Siew Eang Lee, Mattheos Santamouris, Chandra Sekhar, David Kok Wai Cheong : Anthropogenic heat reduction through retrofitting strategies of campus buildings, Energy and Buildings, Volume 152, 1 October 2017, Pages 813-822
268 M. Santamouris, L. Ding, F. Fiorito, P. Oldfield, Paul Osmond, R. Paolini, D. Prasad, A. Synnefa : Passive and active cooling for the outdoor built environment – Analysis and assessment of the cooling potential of mitigation technologies using performance data from 220 large scale projects, Solar Energy, Volume 154, 15 September 2017, Pages 14-33
269 N. Stathopoulos, M. El Mankibi, Mattheos Santamouris : Numerical calibration and experimental validation of a PCM-Air heat exchanger model, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 114, 5 March 2017, Pages 1064-1072
270 G. E. Kyriakodis and M. Santamouris : Using Reflective Pavements to Mitigate Urban Heat Island in Warm Climates - Results from a large scale urban mitigation project., Urban Climate, 24 (2018) 326–339
271 N. Kampelis, K. Gobakis, V. Vagias, D. Kolokotsa, L. Standardi, D. Isidori, C. Cristalli, F.M. Montagnino, F. Paredes, P. Muratore, L. Venezia, Μ. Kyprianou Dracou, A. Montenon, A. Pyrgou, Theoni Karlessi, Mat Santamouris : Evaluation of the Performance Gap in Industrial, Residential & Tertiary Near-Zero Energy Buildings, Energy and Buildings, Energy and Buildings 148 (2017) 58–73
272 Edgar Liu, Bruce Judd, Mattheos Santamouris : Lower income challenges to low carbon living in Australia, Advances Building Energy Research, 13:1, 49-64, DOI: 10.1080/17512549.2017.1354780
273 John Paravantis, Mat Santamouris, Constantinos Cartalis, Chrysanthi Efthymiou and Nikoletta Kontoulis : Mortality Associated with High Ambient Temperatures, Heatwaves, and the Urban Heat Island in Athens, Greece, Sustainability, 9, 606; doi:10.3390/su9040606, 2017
274 Junjing Yang; Adrian Chong; Mat Santamouris; Denia Kolokotsa; Lee Siew Eang; Tham Kwok Wai; Chandra Sekhar; David Cheong : Energy utilizability concept as a retrofitting solution selection criterion for buildings, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, Volume 23, 2017 - Issue 5
275 Mat Santamouris, Shamila Haddad, Francesco Fiorito, Lan Ding, Deo Prasad, Wang Ruzhu, Paul Osmond, Xiaoqiang Zhai : Urban Heat Island and Overheating Characteristics in Sydney, Australia. An analysis of Multiyear measurements, Sustainability, 2017, 9(5), 712;
276 Andri Pyrgou, Veronica Lucia Castaldo, Anna Laura Pisello, Franco Cotana, Mat Santamouris: Differentiating responses of weather files and local climate change to explain variations in building thermal-energy performance simulations, Solar Energy, Volume 153, 1 September 2017, Pages 224-237
277 Niki Gaitani, Ingunn Burud, Thomas Thiis, Mat Santamouris: High-resolution spectral mapping of urban thermal properties with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Building and Environment, Volume 121, 15 August 2017, Pages 215-224
278 A. Synnefa, K. Vasilakopoulou, G.-E. Kyriakodis, V. Lontorfos, R.F.De Masi, E. Mastrapostoli, T. Karlessi, M. Santamouris:Minimizing the energy consumption of low income multiple housing using a holistic approach, Original Research Article, Energy and Buildings, Volume 154, 1 November 2017, Pages 55-71
279 K. Vasilakopoulou, D. Kolokotsa, M. Santamouris, I. Kousis, H. Asproulias, I. Giannarakis :Analysis of the experimental performance of light pipes, Original Research Article, Energy and Buildings, Volume 151, 15 September 2017, Pages 242-249
280 D. Founta and M. Santamouris : Synergies between Urban Heat Island and Heat Waves in Athens (Greece), during an extremely hot summer, Scientific Reports – Nature, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1 December 2017, Article number 10973
281 Lontorfos, V. Efthymiou C, and M. Santamouris : On the time varying mitigation performance of reflective geoengineering technologies in cities, Renewable Energy, Volume 115, January 2018, Pages 926-930
282 Dionysia – Denia Kolokotsa, Gerassimos Giannariakis, Kostas Gobakis, Giannis Giannarakis, Afroditi Synnefa, Mat Santamouris : Cool roofs and cool pavements application in Acharnes, Greece, , Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 37, February 2018, Pages 466-474
283 Fabrizio Ascione, Rosa Francesca De Masi, Mattheos Santamouris, Silvia Ruggiero, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli: Experimental and numerical evaluations on the energy penalty of reflective roofs during the heating season for Mediterranean climate, Energy, Volume 144, 1 February 2018, Pages 178-199
284 Chrissa Georgakis and Mattheos Santamouris: Determination of the Surface and Canopy Urban Heat Island in Athens Central Zone Using Advanced Monitoring, Climate 2017, 5(4), 97; doi:10.3390/cli5040097
285 Chirag Deb , Siew Eang Lee, Mattheos Santamouris : Using artificial neural networks to assess HVAC related energy saving in retrofitted office buildings, Solar Energy, Volume 163, 15 March 2018, Pages 32–44
286 Alexandros Pantazaras, Mattheos Santamouris, Siew Eang Lee, M.N. Assimakopoulos : A decision tool to balance indoor air quality and energy consumption: A case study, Original Research Article, Energy and Buildings, Volume 165, 15 April 2018, Pages 246-258
287 Mattheos Santamouris , Shamila Haddad , Maria Saliari, Konstantina Vasilakopoulou , Afroditi Synnefa , Riccardo Paolini, Giulia Ulpiani , Samira Garshasbi , Francesco Fiorito : On the energy impact of urban heat island in Sydney: Climate and energy potential of mitigation technologies, Energy & Buildings 166 (2018) 154–164
288 Thaleia Mavrakou, Anastasios Polydoros, Constantinos Cartalis, Mat Santamouris Recognition of thermal hot and cold spots in urban areas in support of mitigation plans to counteract overheating: application for Athens, Climate, 2018, 6, 16; doi:10.3390/cli6010016
289 . A.L.Pisello, M. Saliari, K. Vasilakopoulou, S. Hadad and M. Santamouris : Facing the Urban Overheating: Recent Developments. Mitigation Potential and Sensitivity of the Main Technologies. Journal Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews Energy and Environment, Vol 7, Issue 4, July August 2018.
290 Santos Nouri, João Pedro Costa, M. Santamouris, A. Matzarakis : Approaches to outdoor thermal comfort thresholds through public space design: A review , Atmosphere, 2018, 9(3), 08;
291 S. Karatasou, M. Lascari and M. Santamouris : Determinants of high electricity use and high energy consumption for space and water heating in European Social Housing: Socio-demographic and building characteristics, Energy and Buildings, Volume 170, 1 July 2018, Pages 107-114
292 Junjing Yang , Alexandros Pantazaras , Karn Ashokkumar Chaturvedi , Arun Kumar Chandran , Mat Santamouris , Siew Eang Lee , Kwok Wai Tham , Comparison of Different Occupancy Counting Methods for Single System-Single Zone Applications, Energy & Buildings (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.04.051
293 Veronica Lucia Castaldo, Anna Laura Pisello, Cristina Piselli, Claudia Fabiani, Franco Cotana , Mattheos Santamouris : How outdoor microclimate mitigation affects building thermal-energy performance: A new design-stage method for energy saving in residential near-zero energy settlements in Italy, Renewable Energy 127 (2018) 920-935
294 Andri Pyrgou, Panos Hadjinicolaou, Mat Santamouris : Enhanced near-surface ozone under heatwave conditions in a Mediterranean island , Scientific Reports, 8,1, 9191, 2018
295 Stavroula Karatasou, Mat Santamouris: Analysis of high frequency temperature time series in the urban environment from an on line monitoring system, Climate 2018, 6(2), 50;
296 Christina Konstantinidou, Werner Lang, Agis M. Papadopoulos, Mattheos Santamouris : Life Cycle and Life Cycle Cost implications of integrated Phase Change Materials in office buildings, Int. Journal Energy Research, Volume43, Issue1, January 2019, Pages 150-166
297 , Andri Pyrgou, and Mat Santamouris: Increasing Probability of Heat-Related Mortality in a Mediterranean City Due to Urban Warming, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15, 1571; doi:10.3390/ijerph15081571
298 : Junjing Yang, Devi llamathy Mohan Kumar, Andri Pyrgou, Adrian Chong,
Mat Santamouris, Denia Kolokotsa, Siew Eang Lee: Green and cool roofs’ urban heat island mitigation potential in tropical climate. Solar Energy 173 (2018) 597–609
299 I. Livada , A. Synnefa, S. Haddad , R. Paolini, S. Garshasbi, G. Ulpiani, F. Fiorito, K. Vassilakopoulou , P. Osmond , M. Santamouris .Time series analysis of ambient Air-Temperature during the period 1970-2016 over Sydney, Australia. Science of the Total Environment, 648 (2019) 1627–1638
300 M. Santamouris : Green Commercial Buildings Save Energy, Nature Sustainability. Invited News and Views Article , November 2018
301 M. Santamouris, G. Ban – Weiss C. Cartalis, C. Crank, D. Kolokotsa, Tobi Eniolu Morakinyo , A. Muscio, Edward Ng, P. Osmond, R. Paolini, A.L. Pisello, F. Rossi, D. Sailor, A. Synnefa ,H. Taha , H. Takebayashi, M. Zinzi , J. Zhang , Zheng Tan : Progress in Urban Greenery Mitigation Science – Assessment Methodologies Advanced Technologies and Impact on Cities. Journal Civil Engineering and Management. 2018 Volume 24 Issue 8: 638–671, 2018
302 S. Garshasbi and M. Santamouris : Using Advanced Thermochromic Technologies In the Built Environment. Recent Development and Potential to Decrease the Energy Consumption and Fight Urban Overheating, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 191 (2019) 21–32
303 G. Artopoulos, G. Pignatta and M. Santamouris : From the Sum of Near-Zero Energy Buildings to the Whole of a Near-Zero Energy Housing Settlement: The Role of Communal Spaces in Performance-Driven Design, Architecture_MPS 14 Article number 3 2018
304 Mattheos Santamouris and Jie Feng : Recent Progress in Daytime Radiative Cooling: Is It the Air Conditioner of the Future?, Buildings, 2018, 8(12), 168;
305 Junsong Wang, Qinglin Meng, Lei Zhang, Yu Zhang, Bao-Jie He, Senlin Zheng, Mat Santamouris : Impacts of the water absorption capability on the evaporative cooling effect of pervious paving materials, Building and Environment (2019),
306 Gihan Samarasinghe, Malgorzata Lagisz, Mattheos Santamouris, Komali Yenneti, Anir Kumar Upadhyay , Faustino De La Peña Suarez , Bhavesh Taunk , Shinichi Nakagawa : A visualized overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on low-carbon built environments: An evidence review map. Solar Energy Volume 186, 1 July 2019, Pages 291-299
307 307 I Ilias Agathangelidis , Constantinos Cartalis and Mat Santamouris :Integrating Urban Form, Function, and Energy Fluxes in a Heat Exposure Indicator in View of Intra-Urban Heat Island Assessment and Climate Change Adaptation 308, Climate 2019, 7, 75; doi:10.3390/cli7060075
308 Prashant Anand, David Cheong, Chandra Sekhar, Mattheos Santamouris, Sekhar Kondepudi, Energy saving estimation for plug and lighting load using occupancy analysis, (2019), doi: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.05.08
309 S.Karatasou and M.Santamouris ¨Socio-economic status and residential energy consumption: A latent variable approach. Energy and Buildings, Volume 198, 1 September 2019, Pages 100-105
310 Andri Pyrgou, Mattheos Santamouris and Iro Livada :Spatiotemporal Analysis of Diurnal Temperature Range: Effect of Urbanization, Cloud Cover, Solar Radiation, and Precipitation, Climate 2019, 7, 89; doi:10.3390/cli7070089
311 Kai Gao, Mattheos Santamouris: The use of water irrigation to mitigate ambient overheating in the built environment: Recent progress, Building and Environment 164 (2019) 106346
312 Andri Pyrgou , Mattheos Santamouris , Iro Livada and Constantinos Cartalis : Retrospective Analysis of Summer Temperature Anomalies with the Use of Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Rates, Climate 2019, 7, 104; doi:10.3390/cli7090104
313 Junsong Wang, Mat Santamouris, Qinglin Meng, Bao-Jie He, Lei Zhang*, Yu Zhang : Predicting the solar evaporative cooling performance of pervious materials based on hygrothermal properties, Solar Energy Volume 191, October 2019, Pages 311-322
314 Junjing Yang,, Kok Keng Tan, Mat Santamouris and Siew Eang Lee: Building Energy Consumption Raw Data Forecasting Using Data Cleaning and Deep Recurrent Neural Networks, Buildings 2019, 9(9), 204;
315 M. Santamouris : Recent Progress on Urban Overheating and Ηeat Island Research. Integrated Assessment of the Energy, Environmental, Vulnerability and Health Impact Synergies with the Global Climate Change, Energy and Buildings, Volume 207, 15 January 2020, 109482
316 Junsong Wang, Bao-Jie He, Hao Wang, Ya Zou, Mat Santamouris : Towards higher quality green building agenda - An overview of the application of green building techniques in China, Solar Energy, Volume 193, 15 November 2019, pages 473-493
317 S. Haddad, Giulia Ulpiani, Riccardo Paolini, Afroditi Synnefa… M. Santamouris : Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of the Urban Overheating and its Mitigation Potential in a Hot Arid City – Alice Springs, Architectural Science Review, DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2019.1674128
318 Prashant Anand, Chandra Sekhar, David Cheong, Mattheos Santamouris, Sekhar Kondepudi: Occupancy-based zone-level VAV system control implications of thermal comfort, ventilation, indoor air quality and building energy efficiency, Energy and Buildings, Volume 204, December 2019, Article 109473
319 Lei Zhang , Zhichao Deng , Lisha Liang , Yu Zhang ,Qinglin Meng , Junsong Wang , Mat Santamouris: Thermal behavior of a vertical green facade and its impact on the indoor and outdoor thermal environment, Energy and Buildings, Volume 204,1 December 2019,Article 109502
320 Jun Kwon Hwang, Geun Young Yun, Suk Ho Lee, Hyeongjoon Seo,M. Santamouris: Using Deep Learning Approaches with variable Selection Process to Predict the Energy Performance of a Heating and Cooling System, Renewable Energy, Volume 149, April 2020, Pages 1227-1245
321 Jie Feng and M. Santamouris : Numerical techniques for electromagnetic simulation of daytime radiative cooling: A review, AIMS Materials Science, 2019, 6(6): 1049-1064.
322 Giulia Ulpiani, Gianluca Ranzi, Florian Bruederlin, Riccardo Paolini, Francesco Fiorito,, Shamila Haddad Manfred Kohl and Mat Santamouris Elastocaloric cooling: roadmap towards successful implementation in the built environment, AIMS Materials Science, 6(6): 1135–1152. DOI: 10.3934/matersci.2019.6.1135
323 Geun YoungYun, Jack Ngarambe, Giulia Ulpiani, Riccardo Paolini,Shamila Haddadc K. Vasilakopoulou, Mat Santamouris, Predicting the magnitude and the characteristics of the urban heat island in coastal cities in the proximity of desert landforms. The case of Sydney, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 709, 20 March 2020, 136068
324 Andri Pyrgou, Panos Hadjinicolaou; Mat Santamouris : Urban-rural moisture contrast: regulator of the urban heat island and heatwaves' synergy over a Mediterranean city, Environmental Research. Volume 182, March 2020, 109102
325 Hassan Saeed Khan , Riccardo Paolini , Mattheos Santamouris. Peter Caccetta: Exploring the synergies between Urban Overheating and Heat Waves (HWs), in Western Sydney.,Energies 2020, 13, 470; doi:10.3390/en13020470
326 Geun Young Yun, Jack Ngarambe, Mat Santamouris : The use of artificial intelligence (AI) methods in the prediction of thermal comfort in buildings: energy implications of AI-based thermal comfort controls, Energy and Buildings, , 15 March 2020, 109807
327 Jie Feng, Kai Gao, M. Santamouris, K.W. Shah and G. Ranzi : Dynamic Impact of Climate on the Performance of Daytime Radiative Cooling Materials, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 208, May 2020, 110426
328 JinWooOh, Jack Ngarambe, Patrick Nzivugira Duhirwe, GeunYoungYun & Mattheos Santamouris: Using deep-learning to forecast the magnitude and characteristics of urban heat island in Seoul Korea , Scientific Reports | (2020) 10:3559
329 Andri Pyrgou abd Mattheos Santamouris : Probability risk of heat- and cold-related mortality to temperature, gender and age using GAM regression analysis, Climate, in Press, 2020
330 M. Santamouris,, R. Paolini, S. Haddad, A. Synnefa, S. Garshasbi, G. Hatvani-Kovacs, K. Gobakis, K. Yenneti, K. Vasilakopoulou, J. Feng, K. Gao: Heat Mitigation Technologies can improve sustainability in Cities.. An holistic experimental and numerical impact assessment of urban overheating and related heat mitigation strategies on energy consumption indoor comfort vulnerability and heat related mortality and morbidity in cities. Energy and Buildings, Volume 217, 15 June 2020, 110002
331 Jun Kwon Hwang, Patrick Nzivugira Duhirwe, Geun Young Yun, Sukho Lee, Hyeongjoon Seo, Inhan Kim, Mat Santamouris ; A novel hybrid deep neural network model to predict the refrigerant charge amount of heat pumps, Sustainability, In Press, 2020
332 Alan Green, Laia Ledo Gomis, Riccardo Paolini, Shamilla Haddad, Georgios Kokogiannakis, Paul Cooper, Zhenjun Ma, Prabuono Kosasih, Mat Santamouris : Above-Roof Air Temperature Effects on HVAC and Cool Roof Performance: Experiments and Development of a Predictive ModelCorresponding author: , Energy and Buildings, In Press, 2000
333 Samira Garshasbi, Shamila Haddad, Riccardo Paolini*, Mattheos Santamouris,Georgios Papangelis, Aggeliki Dandou, Georgia Methymaki, Panagiotis Portalakis, Maria Tombrou: Urban Mitigation and Building Adaptation to Minimize the Future Cooling Energy Needs , Solar Energy, Volume 204, 1 July 2020, Pages 708-719
334 K. Gao and M. Santamouris : On the cooling potential of irrigation to mitigate urban heat island , Science of the Total Environment, In Press, 2010
335 F. Fiorito, AL Cnavale and M.Santamouris : Development, testing and evaluation of energy savings potentials of photovoltachromic windows in office buildings. A perspective study for Australian climates Solar Energy, Volume 205, 15 July 2020, Pages 358-371
336 D. Kolokotsa, M. Santamouris : On the Association of Ambient Temperature and Elderly Mortality in a Mediterranean Island- Crete, Journal: Science of the Total Environment, In Press, 2020
337 Kai Gao, Mattheos Santamouris, Jie Feng: On the efficiency of transpiration cooling to mitigate urban heat, Climate. In Press, 2020
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